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Top-Tier Remodeling Services Throughout the Region

Harber Exteriors has built a sterling reputation for delivering high-quality roofing, siding, and gutter service over the years. Our customers trust us to install top-tier products and use our brand of personalized customer service – resulting in consistent satisfaction. We are a family-owned business. That means we understand the needs of our customers better than most and place client support at the top of our priorities. We offer thorough, honest, and free estimates on all jobs, ensuring you know what you are getting into each time you hire us. Our name is known throughout Indianapolis, Lafayette, Greenwood, and Carmel, and we are thrilled to meet you and your family. Allow us to preserve your investment in your home today.

Meet Our Team

Cole Harber
Scott Youngs
men constructing a roof

A Firm Commitment to Outstanding Quality and Service

Our owner, Cole Harber, is committed to quality and service. He also understands the aspirations of his customers – many of whom want their homes to look their best. A great-looking, functional house is only a phone call away. We’ll take it from there, adding the elements needed to help it hold up to wear and tear from the elements. Whether a storm damaged your roof or it is time for replacement siding or gutters, you can trust our team because we offer the following – and more:

  • Professional Roofing Service
  • Gutter Installation & Gutter Guard Systems
  • Durable and Efficient Siding
  • Roof Shingle Repair & Installation
  • Asphalt, Metal & Slate Roofing
  • All Roof Types
  • High Customer Satisfaction
  • Residential & Commercial Service

Free Estimates and Honest Advice: Our Core Values

Not only do we offer free estimates on all services, but we are also transparent and honest during the process. When we inspect a roof, we use our experience and knowledge to make an informed decision. We don’t upsell, and we are honest. If repairs are all you need, then you will receive them. If we cannot repair the damage, you can expect honest advice alongside a free estimate – helping you make the best decision for your family. That’s the Harber Exteriors difference.

Contact Us Today for a No-Pressure Estimate